Gaming machine cabinet's design is becoming more and more important to attract customers. Our cabinets are equipped with 2D or 3D graphics front panel, illuminated with cool light, LED rows giving depth and space to all graphics. Standard components in any cabinet made by us: one or two 19" LCD monitor, banknote acceptor, electronic key system, power supply, buttons, game board dependent wiring harness. Our products are manufactured under ISO 9001:2008 quality requirements, and have comply with CE standards.
PokerStart Electronic poker table
PokerSTART is one of the newest product developed, rules are based on classic Texas Hold'em poker, table is completely automatized only one attendant needed to operate it. Game options easily customizable through advanced user interface and touch screen.

Monaco prestige roulette is one of the best known roulette machines in Romania. Equipped with banknote acceptor, LCD 17" monitors, industrial single board computers, reliable operating system (Linux), advaced security and monitoring GSM system. Along with a innovative software assures a smoth, troublefree operation through lifespan.

Game boards
Each game board can be installed in one of the cabinets of your choice. Certain games are using two monitors one for the game itself and second one for additional information (winning table, jackpot), these game boards can only be installed in twin monitor cabinets.